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Just about everyone is online and with some social media platform. If you are in any type of professional field, dating, or acting, then you need a headshot. When was the last time you had yours updated? With child actors, their images need updating a lot. Your headshot is now part of your first impression before even walking into a job interview sometimes.

For actors, having those great professional headshots done, may seem very expensive, and I understand budgets. It's tempting to go with a friend who has a great camera or a craigslist person for just $100. But will they offer you the consulting, coaching and directing?  Will they keep the retouching natural? Good photography is expensive, which is why it's so important to invest in yourself if you want to get ahead. 

Everyone hates having their picture taken, right? I get it, so what I do is make everyone relax, laugh and most of all have fun while coaching them into poses and expressions that will make you not only look great, but you'll feel good about yourself too. Playing music also is something I do to help, and if you have any requests, I'll put it on. 

Those who I photograph will feel great and be represented not just for your employer, business or casting agent, but for yourself. You are all who matters, no one else!